Feb 3, 2024
The robot didn’t want to wear the hat: and that’s fine. All you can do is try. All you can do is hack the machine that prints the hats and go skipping through it’s kaleidoscopic innards. It’s a wave of a hand. It’s no time wasted, if there’s such a thing as wasted time. They said that if you kept being late...
Jan 26, 2024
Cass had not brought their big medical bag. There was the box in the ship, of course, with the mint-coloured lid and little trays, but their black bag hung where it always did: on a hook beside the door, back in Centralia. In the inside pocket of their jacket was a fabric pouch, folded over and sealed with velcro. A...
Jan 19, 2024
Sometimes, AuDy had found, people asked them to wait. This was transparently an exercise of power. Sit in there. I’ll be right through. Flat silence as minutes passed. There existed a line of tension between one human and another and as one person wound it tauter and tauter - with distance, or silence, or an...
Jun 26, 2016
With COUNTER/Weight firmly wrapped up, we take some time to answer fan questions, discuss the highs and lows of the season, and talk a little bit about what’s coming next for Friends at the Table!
Jun 10, 2016