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Jul 28, 2022

Princeton, The Powdered Sugar Horse

“Only a fool would say the horse does not belong at the beach,” wrote a young Elliott Callahan in 1885. “The British, in their usual parsimonious fashion, insist that the beach is the province of the donkey, but the fact of the matter is that as far as strength,...

Jul 21, 2022

(If you'd like to follow along to everyone watching Mr. Ed Plays Baseball at 1:22:24, here's the link: )

Three Out of Five It Ain’t Bad

During the late 1880s and early 1890s, the Bluff City Boardwalk saw a surge (and then sudden decline) in the unusual genre of “Lovers’...

Jul 14, 2022

What A Big Building, I Can’t See The Top

By 1898, construction had begun on several boardwalk-side buildings that so exceeded the previous maximum building height that they caused a city-wide stir. Of course, early skyscrapers had been constructed before, closer to the city centre, but these new buildings’...

Jul 1, 2022


This upcoming weekend, July 3rd and July 4th, Friends at the Table will be doing a LIVE STREAM MARATHON FUNDRAISER for the National Network of Abortion Funds!!

We'll be hosting the stream over at

JOIN US 12 - 8 PM ET...

Nov 24, 2017

Hey everyone!
While our normal weekly episode is still going to come out tomorrow, we wanted to give you a gift today to celebrate Thanksgiving and to show you how just how thankful we are for your continued support! And hey, hopefully this comes just in time for those of you who will be on long trips in the next...