Mar 1, 2019
The Creed of Samothes has, for countless years, spread its reach throughout society across Hieron. For many, it has provided strength, structure, and safety from the dangers of the wild world. But at its heart--not distinct from it, not a subversion or corruption--is a cynical ideology rooted in the fatalism of their first god: The world is ending. Limit the suffering of those still alive, so that they may pass easily. Tonight, Hella, Lem, and Adaire will learn the that “easing” suffering may take many forms…
Today on Spring in Hieron: A Night Like Tonight
It is common pastime across this University to debate
DRACONIC classification. Fourth years lecture firsts about the
distinction between DRAGONS and DRAKES, while research assistants
struggle to place WYVERNS is clear category? “What of WYRMS,” asked
a colleague, recently, as if any answer to this or any other
similar question mattered. No. LIVING or UNDEAD, aloft by WING or
by AIR-SPIRIT, wielding FLAME or FOULNESS, the only relevant
question is: How quickly will it kill you?
-An excerpt from the Crystalized Lectures of the Wizard