Mar 31, 2017
Please read this week’s classification updates carefully.
As always, your service is considered.
Collector-Curator Kall Fer
This week on Seasons of Hieron: Undelivered Resignations
You are the one who needs to read carefully,
Convincing those to give us what the Archive demands is subtle work. Yes, I wield intimidation, I carry violence. But those are built on a foundation of a cloud-like trust, blowing and breaking with the wind.
You want me to call dandelions "wind blossoms" and chairs "seats"? Fine. You want me to recover only the greyest couches and the most broken clockwork? Absolutely. I break arms as easily as I break promises, and promises as easily as brittle branches under my boots as I walk the world for the Archives.
But when you start to classify people, Fer, the trust is broken, and those brittle branches? They bloom.
Archivist-Collector Morbash
Hosted by Austin Walker (@austin_walker)
Cover Art by Craig Sheldon (@shoddyrobot)
Episode description by Austin Walker
Music by Jack de Quidt*
A transcription is available for this
episode here.
A full list of completed transcriptions is
Our transcriptions are provided
by a fan-organized paid transcription project. If you'd like to
join, you can get more information at
Thank you to all of our transcribers!!
*The cow horn at the end of “Broken Branches” was sampled from DANMITCH3LL’s “distant horns”, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. The source file can be found here ( and the license here (